How To Solve Circle Puzzles

What are Circle Puzzles?

A circle puzzle is a type of word puzzle that looks something like this:circle puzzle

There are 12 words that you need to find and you get a clue for each one.

Not only that, but each answer only differs from the ones next to it by one letter. We’ll look at a completed puzzle later to see how this works.

How to Solve Circle Puzzles

Realistically, you can start anywhere in the circle. If you check the clues and see one that is clear to you, start there.

Assuming that you got that right, the ones to the immediate left and right should be your next targets. They will only differ by one letter from the answer that you have. There are no rules about which letter is different, or how it differs. If you find that you’re having trouble with the next two clues, it might be an indication that you got something wrong, so have another look and check your answer.

If you get all of the answers correct, you will see that when you have the last answer, it will only differ from the first by one letter. This provides a small internal check of your answers.

The final completed puzzle looks something like this:

circle puzzle complete

Please take the time to check that each answer only differs from those next to it by one letter. You can click on the image to see a larger version is that’s easier.

How to Solve Circle Puzzles – Summary

I really like these circle puzzles. They’re actually fun and challenging to create too.

It is tempting to say that there are no 4-letter words that can’t be used in this type of puzzle. However, there are certain words that don’t have two words that are different by only one letter. Example: quay. Quad is one option but I don’t think there is a second answer that could be used. If you can think of one, please use the comments to tell us. Also, can you think of other 4-letter words that are like this? Again, please use the comments and let us know.

If you want to try solving circle puzzles, check out the word puzzle books and see which ones contain them.

What do you think of these puzzles? Please use the comments below to let us know, or to ask your questions about circle puzzles.

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