How To Solve Words Containing Puzzles

What are Words Containing Puzzles?

A words containing puzzle is a type of word puzzle that looks something like this:

words containing puzzle

All answer words contain the same three letters and these are already in the correct place. For each word, there is a clue to help you find the answer.

How to Solve Words Containing Puzzles

These are relatively uncomplicated to solve. For each clue, you only need to find one word and they are not affected by other clues and answers.

The good part is that you get not only three letters of the solution but you also get the correct position of those letters.

That’s essentially all there is to it.

The point that I find interesting is how many wildly different English words contain the same three letters together.

Over the centuries, English has been invaded many times and each time, the conquerors brought their language with them. Some parts remained, leaving a mixed language pot that we call the English language. If you ever wondered why English is so illogical and confusing, now you know.

A finished puzzle looks like this:

words containing puzzle solution

It might be worth taking a minute to see how different these words are, even though they all contain the same three letters. You can click on the image to view a larger version if that helps.

How to Solve Words Containing Puzzles – Summary

I really like these words containing puzzles. They’re enjoyable to create too.

If you want to try solving words containing puzzles, check out the word puzzle books and see which ones contain them.

What do you think of these puzzles? Please use the comments below to let us know, or to ask your questions about words containing puzzles.

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